Summer is the season when pesticides are frequently used in the agricultural sector. This poses a high risk of pesticide residues in vegetables. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of vegetables, we should rely on vegetable pesticide residue detectors before and during the marketing of vegetables. To carry out pesticide residue testing of vegetables, timely understand the safety status of vegetables and other agricultural products, and provide safe and effective protection for the quality of vegetables.
The vegetables are mainly divided into leaf vegetables, bean vegetables and fruits. Among them, the leaf vegetables are mainly cabbage, spinach, lettuce, leeks, and yams. The bean dishes are green beans, kidney beans, and fruits. Such as cucumber, tomato, pepper, melon, pumpkin and so on. In general, the growth cycle of leafy vegetables is short. If pesticides are not fully degraded, they will cause pesticide residue problems. In addition, cowpea, eggplant, green beans, leeks and other vegetables are more pests in the hot season, and the probability of drug use is also relatively high. Higher, more is the need to use vegetable pesticide residue detector focus on several vegetable varieties.
Vegetables and other places for sale are generally concentrated in farmers' markets, supermarkets, etc. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of vegetable consumption, on the one hand, production companies should make good use of vegetable pesticide residue detectors to ensure that the production process is standardized and the production methods are green. . In addition, farmers' markets, supermarkets, etc. should also strengthen the detection of pesticide residues. The method is to use vegetable pesticide residue detectors to carry out self-inspection, and to expand the frequency and range of pesticide residues detection by further popularizing and applying pesticide pesticide residue detectors, and strictly control the consumption of agricultural products. Test the "main gate" to ensure that the general public is "safe on the tip of the tongue."
In summer, it is a period of high incidence of pesticide residues in vegetables. During this period, it is particularly necessary to strengthen the detection of pesticide residues. The use of vegetable pesticide residue detectors to check all levels can help the relevant departments or companies to check on-site whether there are pesticide residues in vegetables and find problems immediately. Deal with and refuse the admission of toxic vegetables to market, so that the majority of consumers can rest assured that eating green, healthy vegetable products.
Ningbo Beilun Baichuan Adhesive Products Co., Ltd. ,