Global Chemical R&D investment grows strongly

According to the US "Chemical Weekly", the R&D investment of the world's top 50 chemical R&D investment companies in 2010 increased by an average of 7.3% compared to 2009. In 2009, the R&D investment of these companies decreased by 1.7% from the average in 2008, reflecting the early 2009 When chemical companies were pessimistic about the prospects, and entered the 2010 with the recovery of the global economy, chemical companies increased their confidence in the future and increased R&D spending.

The Dow Chemical Company topped the list with 1.66 billion U.S. dollars in chemical R&D investment, followed closely by the United States DuPont, Japan's Mitsubishi Chemicals, and Germany's BASF. In 2010, chemical R&D investment exceeded US$1.5 billion.

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