Multi-function insect trap lamp larvae effect detection

According to the results of the worm survey, the bollworm is an omnivorous and highly productive insect that occurs in most parts of the world. Cotton bollworm harm crops are wheat, corn, cotton, peanuts and other important crops. The main damage to young bells, buds and flowers on cotton causes deadlocked bells and rotten bells, which can cause serious damage to cotton production each year. Xinjiang is also China's main cotton producing area. Its cotton planting area accounts for one-third of the country's total, and the annual cost of controlling cotton bollworm is very high. Traditional methods generally use chemical pesticides. Unreasonable use of pesticides causes pesticides to adversely affect the ecological environment of agriculture, especially the safety of agricultural products, and endanger people's health. At the same time, the harm to the environment is relatively large, resulting in serious /3R0 Problems)) Resistance (resistance), resurgence (resurgence), and residue (resurgence) have caused widespread concern. In recent years, prevention and treatment with sex attractants and black light have gradually increased, and environmental protection is economically effective. However, due to the constraints of some factors such as farmland power grids, it cannot be widely applied and promoted. Since there is currently no one on the market that integrates their advantages, they are not subject to restrictions on trapping devices. To this end, a combination of black light, sex traps, yellow boards and other insect trap equipment advantages, designed a multi-purpose insect trap lamp. In order to verify the effectiveness of the self-designed multi-purpose insect traps, field comparison tests were conducted with frequency-vibration lights, yellow plates, and multi-purpose insect traps.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Frequency-Sweeping Lamps, Yellow Plates, and Multi-function Traps The frequency-vibration lamp is a Jiaduo PS-15II type frequency vibration type insecticidal lamp manufactured by Henan Jiaduoke Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., and has a power of 30 W. The basic structure is a frequency-oscillating lamp with a high-voltage power grid at the periphery and a funnel-connected insect bag at the lower part. After the suspension, the lamp is 1.8 m above the ground. One yellow trap board (30 cm@40 cm) was suspended at a height of about 40 cm with a fine wire and oil was used as an insecticide. Multifunctional insect trap lamp 1 set. The structure of the multi-purpose insect trap lamp consists of a tool box, an insect trap device, an energy supply device, an energy storage device, and an automatic water supply device (Fig. 1). Its energy supply principle stores the absorbed energy in the battery through the solar panel during the day and provides energy for the black light to shine at night. Under normal conditions (no rainy days), the black light can work normally for 5~8 h; under cloudy and other daylight conditions, it can generally ensure that the black light works normally for 2~5 h. Its principle of water supply is the use of atmospheric pressure principle. The sex lure is below the lamp tube, the water level line is located at 1cm below the lamp and the lure cartridge. The automatic water supply device automatically supplies water to the water level line. The water level line always maintains a certain height. The maximum water output of the water supply tank is 24675 cm3, which can be automatic for the water basin. Water supply for more than 50 days. There are three insect trapping devices: one is a trapping cage with a black light lamp, and the outer one is made up of the upper half of discarded beverage bottles, with the large mouth facing outward, the small mouth facing inwards, the vertical to the lamp tube, and the gauze sewing; The water basin under the insect cage, sprinkle a little detergent, increase the surface adsorption force; third is the yellow surface of the device coated with organic oil. The device solves a series of problems of the traditional insect trapping device and integrates its advantages into one.
1.2 Location and time Location: 800 hm2 water-saving agricultural demonstration area in Karamay agricultural development zone and a cotton field in the greenhouse of Shihezi University. According to the peak of local cotton bollworm, select July 7-11, 2010 and August 19, 2010- 24 days and 2 hours.
1.3 Treatments and Repetitions July 7-11, 2010 was conducted at the Karamay test plot. The frequency-sweeping lamps, yellow plates, and multi-purpose traps were each treated with a distance of 50 m. Investigate and record every morning at 9B00. After the investigation, clean the yellow board and apply the oil insecticide. From August 19 to 24, 2010, trials were conducted in greenhouses in greenhouses at Shihezi University. The operation was the same as above.
1.4 Data collection and processing Each morning during the trapping period, the number of insects trapped in each trap was checked and recorded. The trapped insects were then removed, and the trapping amount of each trap was counted, and the record was classified by the head unit. The insects attracted by the multi-purpose trapping lamp and the yellow plate were compared, and the insects induced by the multi-purpose trapping lamp and the frequency-vibration lamp were classified and compared with each other.

Figure 1 Structure of multi-purpose insect traps
2 Results and Analysis
2.1 Comparison of multi-day induced trapping lamp and yellow plate daily trapping amount Table 1 shows that the trapping amount of the multi-purpose trapping lamp is more than that of the trapping yellow plate, and the total number of attracting insects on the 11th day is 5856, which is more than the trapping yellow. The board has more than 5696 heads and 160 heads. The average daily trap volume of multi-purpose insect traps was 532.4, which was 14.6 more than the average daily trap volume of 517.8 insect traps. The data from the two groups were compared (t test). The results showed that there was no significant difference in the effect of the multi-purpose trapping lamp and the yellow plate on trapping aphids.

Table 1 Comparison of induced effects of multi-purpose insect traps and yellow plates
2.2 Comparison of Inductive Effects of Multifunctional Inductive Lights and Frequency-Sweeping Lights (other than Locust) Table 2 shows that the number of traps with multi-purpose light traps and solar-powered insecticidal light is larger than that of frequency-sweeping lights, and the total amount of trapping is 11 days. 6499 heads, 803 heads more than 5696 heads. The average daily trapping amount of the multi-purpose insect traps was 590.8 heads, which was 73 heads more than the 517.8 heads of the frequency headlights. Among them, a total of 1228 Lepidoptera insects, 3939 Coleoptera heads, and 1332 Dipteras were attracted by the multi-purpose insect traps. The frequency-shaking lamps attracted a total of 1333 Lepidoptera, 3147 Coleoptera, and 1216 Diptera. The types of pests that are trapped by the multi-purpose traplights include insect pests of the order Lepidoptera, such as cotton bollworms, floorworms, clover nightflies, codling moths, potato chafers, etc., and some aquatic insects such as turtles and insects. Insect pests, aphids, cockroaches, orthopteran insect pests, as well as aphids, yellow spotted insects, and other yellow pests. The comparison of the total amount of insects trapped by the multi-purpose trapping lamp and the frequency-vibrating lamp (t-test) showed that there was no significant difference in the trapping effect of the multi-purpose trapping lamp and the frequency-vibrating lamp.

Table 2 Comparison of Inducing Effects of Multifunctional Traps and Frequency Stimulation Lamps

Insect effect test
3 Conclusions and discussion There was no significant difference in the effect of the trapping insects of the multi-purpose insect traps and the yellow plates in this experiment, and the multi-purpose insect traps and the frequency-vibrating lamps had similar trapping effects on various insects. At the same time, compared with the traditional trapping tools, it can be found that the multi-purpose insect traps have the advantages of high automation, multiple trapping and killing methods, and saving labor and time, which are suitable for widespread promotion and application in production practice.
The device also has significant social and economic benefits. At present, China's electricity supply is tight, especially in summer. The device uses solar energy, which can save the cost of erecting the power grid. Its popularization and application have very good social value. Moreover, the device has a low operating cost and is more convenient and economical than the black light insecticidal lamp, the trapping yellow plate, and the sexual water basin installed separately in the field. In addition, the promotion and use of this technology can reduce the annual application of chemical pesticides, reduce the large amount of manpower, material and financial resources, thereby increasing economic efficiency; and reduce the use of pesticides can increase the output and quality of agricultural products, increase economic income.

Drum Support

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