Setting the zero offset with the trial cutting method Because most of the numerical control equipment has the characteristics of process concentration and high automation, in actual production, most of the CNC machining parts are processed from the blank state. That is to say, in the single clamping, the workpiece can usually complete all the processes from roughing to semi-finishing to finishing. In this case, using the trial cut method for zero offset is the simplest and most effective method.
In the machining, the center point of the right end surface of the workpiece is usually used as the workpiece zero point, and the workpiece coordinate system is established to prepare the machining program. It is programmed entirely with the workpiece zero point W as the reference point. There is no relationship between the machine zero and the machine zero. However, the prerequisite for proper operation of this machining program is that the correct position of the workpiece in the machine coordinate system must be determined before machining, ie the correct zero offset must be set in the system.
First use the T1 turning tool to drive the tool on the right side of the workpiece. The Z direction at this time is the Z=0 position of the workpiece coordinate system. At this time, the Z-direction coordinate value displayed on the system screen is the coordinate value of the workpiece zero point in the Z direction of the machine coordinate system. Then test the outer circle of the tool to obtain a screen coordinate value of the X direction, measure the diameter of the outer circle of the vehicle, and obtain a Diameter value. The coordinate values ​​of the workpiece part in the X direction of the machine coordinate system are thus calculated.
The setting of zero offset of CNC milling and machining center generally has at least three coordinate axes in the CNC milling and machining center machines: X axis, Y axis and Z axis. The zero offset of this type of machine is generally set by G54~G59 command, among which G54~G57 can set the zero offset, and G58 and G59 are programmable zero offset. Each instruction of G54~G59 corresponds to a set of zero offset. Once the above command occurs in the machining program, the system will automatically call up the set of zero offset and substitute the operation into the corresponding memory. Therefore, this requires that the zero offset of the part be input to the system memory for operation at any time before running the program to machine the part.
Conclusion (1) The zero offset value of the CNC lathe is determined by determining the position of the tool in the machine coordinate system, that is, by defining the relative position with the workpiece zero to ensure the correct position of the workpiece in the machine coordinate system. Therefore, it has a one-to-one correspondence with the tool, that is, each turning tool has a corresponding zero offset. The zero offset value of the CNC milling machine and machining center is determined by measuring the actual position of the workpiece in the machine coordinate system, so it can correspond to different tools in one setup. (2) The trial cutting method is applicable to workpieces starting from roughing. The measurement accuracy of the zero offset value is generally required, because even if some slight measurement errors are generated, it can be compensated by the machining allowance of the parts. The measuring method is suitable for finishing parts after roughing and semi-finishing, so the measurement accuracy of the zero offset value is very high, and waste is generated once the tolerance is exceeded.
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