Good mechanical properties of amorphous alloys

Amorphous catalysts are prepared by ray diffraction spectroscopy by connecting metal elements with metal bonds and maintaining short-range order and long-range disorder within a range of several lattice constants to form a structure similar to a cluster. As a result of transmission electron microscopy, etc., they believe that the amorphous catalyst particles are actually organometallic clusters having a porous structure, and the pore structure conforms to the requirements of the low-temperature fuel cell for gas diffusion electrodes.

Amorphous alloys are ordered in short-range, contain many coordination unsaturated atoms, are highly reactive, and thus have more surface active centers. The difference is that the amorphous alloy is long-range disordered, and the surface maintains a chaotic arrangement of atoms in the liquid state, which not only facilitates the adsorption of the reactants, but also the disordered arrangement of surface atoms results in a considerable number of atoms on the surface. In a coordinated unsaturated state, more atoms can participate in the catalysis. This long-range disorder can also be seen as an extreme defect, and these "defects" are also advantageous for catalysis, often forming catalytically active centers that are not found in new crystalline alloys. Amorphous alloys maintain near-ideal uniformity and isotropy in chemistry, and do not exhibit eccentricity and other phenomena that are unfavorable for catalysis. These are all beneficial to improve the catalytic activity of the amorphous alloy.

Summary Due to the lack of periodic dislocations and very low dislocation fluidity, these can effectively prevent elastic deformation and atomic loss, so amorphous alloys generally have better mechanical properties.

Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger

Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger is to strengthen the turbulence of the flowing gas/fluid, so that the gas and the tube wall contact thoroughly. In addition to enhancing heat transfer, the twisted tube heat exchanger also has the advantages of reducing scaling, self-supporting between tube bundles, no baffle plate elements and so on.

With that being said, novel Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger is much more efficient than conventional tubular heat exchanger, or Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger. Twisted tube heat exchangers are also used in applications where the fluids are corrosive or contain particulates, as they are better able to handle these conditions than other types of shell and tube heat exchangers or Air Heat Exchanger.

Twisted tube heat exchangers are constructed from a series of twisted tubes arranged around a central tube. The tubes are twisted in such a way that the fluid will change direction multiple times as it passes through the exchanger. This increases the turbulence of the fluid and creates a larger surface area for the heat exchange, which increases the efficiency of the exchanger.

The shell is usually made from a thick metal such as carbon steel, which increases the durability of the exchanger.

Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger,Tubular Air Preheater,Twisted Tube Exchanger,Twisted Tape Heat Exchanger

Guangdong Jiema Energy Saving Technology Co.,Ltd ,