Soil Moisture Detector Remote Sensing Monitoring Soil Moisture

The water shortage caused by the imbalance of water balance or supply and demand in the soil is the drought we often say. This is one of the major natural disasters in many countries in the world, causing serious losses to the agricultural production. According to statistics, nearly 60% of agricultural natural disasters in China are caused by drought. Nearly 5.7 million hectares of arable land are reduced by drought every year, accounting for 5.86% of the total area sown, and lighter disasters are calculated at a reduction of 30% to 50%. The loss amounted to 4 to 700 million yuan. Therefore, to explore a set of objective, dynamic and real-time monitoring methods for soil moisture, it is of great significance for all levels of government and leaders to understand the extent and distribution of drought conditions, take active and effective prevention and anti-resistance measures, and scientifically direct agricultural production. The soil moisture analyzer is an important instrument for measuring soil moisture in recent years and is indispensable for scientific research on soil moisture content.

With the development of remote sensing technology, real-time or quasi-real-time dynamic monitoring of large-scale soil moisture becomes possible. In particular, as the integration of GIS and RS technology becomes more mature, GIS is used to support the interpretation of RS information, and RS is used to quickly update and supplement GIS databases, so that both are full of vitality and promote the accuracy of soil moisture monitoring The improvement.

The determination of the soil moisture quickness tester found that there have been new developments in remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture. In terms of remote sensing methods, in addition to the in-depth exploration of microwave remote sensing, meteorological satellite remote sensing has also received increasing attention. Based on the principle of crop layer energy balance and combined with remote sensing thermal inertia method and crop water deficit index method, research on soil moisture or drought monitoring has been increasingly perfected. In the monitoring scale, from a specific region, a country to the global scope; in monitoring methods, from individual cases to statistical applications, and a simulation model. Some people have also summarized and reviewed various methods currently used. In addition, with the development of GIS and RS integrated technologies, GIS is used to support drought remote sensing monitoring, and GIS is used to evaluate the impact of climate change on soil water deficit.

The study of soil moisture quickness tester found that the remote sensing bands used in soil moisture remote sensing monitoring have been basically determined. The use of these bands synthesized a variety of well-performing soil moisture remote sensing monitoring index to provide further possibilities for improving soil moisture monitoring results. Microwave remote sensing has the characteristics of all-weather, high-precision, etc. It is the development direction of soil moisture monitoring in the future.

Antipilling Machine For Polar Fleece

Continuous antipilling machines are used to remove the pills or fuzz from polar fleece fabrics. These machines are equipped with special blades or rollers that rotate at high speed and remove the pills without damaging the fabric. The process is continuous, which means that the fabric is fed into the machine and comes out the other end without any interruptions.

Some of the features of continuous antipilling machines include:

1. High-speed operation: These machines can operate at high speeds, which means that they can process large quantities of fabric in a short amount of time.

2. Adjustable settings: The settings of the machine can be adjusted to suit different types of fabrics and different levels of pilling.

3. Easy to operate: Continuous antipilling machines are designed to be easy to operate, with simple controls and user-friendly interfaces.

4. Low maintenance: These machines are designed to be low maintenance, with durable components that can withstand heavy use.

Overall, continuous antipilling machines are an essential tool for textile manufacturers who produce polar fleece fabrics. They help to improve the quality of the fabric and ensure that it is free from pills and fuzz, which can detract from its appearance and reduce its lifespan.


Antipilling Machine For Polar Fleece,Continous Antipilling Machine,High Efficiency Antipilling Machine,Chinese Antipilling Machine

suzhou cotex international Co.,Ltd ,