Statistics released by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Administration (APVMA) recently showed that Australia’s pesticide product sales totaled 2.42 billion Australian dollars for 2010–2011 (up to June 30, 2011) ($2.62 billion at the current exchange rate), Compared with the same period of last year, it increased by 13%. Herbicides accounted for the largest amount of sales in several categories, accounting for about 52% of total pesticide sales, reaching 1.25 billion Australian dollars (1.35 billion US dollars), a slight increase of 5% over the previous period. Pesticides and fungicides increased significantly. Sales of pesticides increased by 32.6% to A$360 million (US$390 million), and fungicides surged by 46.8% to A$230 million (US$250 million). Domestic insecticides also received an increase of 6.9%, with sales reaching A$140 million (US$156 million), and other categories such as acaricides and growth promoters/regulators have also increased significantly.
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