Chemical products fell mainly, and MDI, urea, and glyphosate increased profitability: International crude oil prices continued to be weak. After the prices of upstream products continued to fall, they were gradually transmitted to midstream and downstream products. The prices of chemical products fell mainly. This week, the rubber, plastics, chemical fiber, and chlor-alkali industry chains fell across the board. Polyurethanes and agrochemicals were mixed. Domestic and foreign MDI devices were overhauled and prices continued to rise. This week's pure MDI in East China increased by 2.3%. Urea supply and demand was good, prices rebounded, and the price of Hualu Hengsheng rose by 0.9%. Phosphorus orders were sufficient and prices rose slightly, rising 1.2% this week. As the price of upstream raw materials continues to decline, the profitability of MDI, urea, and glyphosate has expanded.
This week's Galaxy Chemical Business Climate Index was -12, last week the index was -5 (7 fell 2 up 11 levels), compared to the May Index was -14 (16 fell 2 up 2 levels). From our long-term tracking of the index, the current index is close to the empirical bottom. Combining our judgment that the price of crude oil is falling is limited, we believe that the chemical industry is in the bottom left area and it is recommended to gradually start to pay attention. At the same time, attention was paid to the significant growth in the second quarter, as well as the personal explosion, the civil explosion and the asphalt industry. The global ocean drilling market has recently witnessed positive signs. The rate of deep-water drilling has risen significantly, and the rate of drilling vessels in the middle water depth has also shown signs of increasing. In shallow water, although the utilization rate of the North Sea area has some corrections, the rate is also The increase is obvious. We are optimistic about the upsurge of natural gas volume and price during the 12th Five-Year Plan. Natural gas prices are also expected to increase. To ensure the supply of domestic natural gas, coal-to-natural gas projects are expected to receive greater development. We recommend focusing on the coal-to-natural gas industry chain, including Datang Power Generation. Sinopec, China Chemicals, 3D Engineering. The second round of shale gas tendering in China will soon be based on the idea of ​​the Ministry of Land and Resources. It should be Guangkaimen and Donako. It is recommended to pay attention to the companies Huibopu, Guanghui and Jereh which may be selected.
Wheelbarrows help you cart around heavy items when working on your lawn
and garden or tackling bigger projects in and around your home. They
are constructed with durable materials, such as steel or a heavy-duty
plastic blend, making them strong enough to carry almost any load.
A wheelbarrow commonly includes a sloped tray, one wheel, two steel
legs and two handles. Its design helps it keep stable while being loaded
and makes it relatively easy to maneuver when full. And when you`re
ready to empty its contents, the end of a wheelbarrow is slanted so the
tray can be conveniently tipped out.
There are some differences in how wheelbarrows are constructed. Many
builders and landscapers prefer a steel wheelbarrow or a contractor
wheelbarrow because of their strength and durability. However, many
residential models, including poly wheelbarrows, can be just as durable,
but weigh less and are corrosion-free.
If you are pushing a wheelbarrow make sure you keep it balanced as it
can tip from side to side. While it can be a slight challenge to keep a
full wheelbarrow upright in transport, especially with heavier loads, it
is easier to maneuver around corners and in tight spaces.
In addition to a wide variety of wheelbarrows, Qingdao Quantong
Industrial Co.,Ltd has a large selection of wheelbarrow handles and
wheelbarrow replacement wheels. For more helpful information, check out
our home maintenance tips.
Wheel Barrow, Heavy Duty Wheelbarrow, Double Wheel Barrow, Garden Wheel Barrow
Gainran Hand Truck Co., Ltd. , http://www.wheelbarrowsupplier.com