Greenhouse Cucumbers Prevent Diseases Safe and Harmless Measures

Greenhouse Cucumbers Safeguarding Diseases Safe and Harmless Measures Greenhouses are becoming more and more widely used. It is a common practice to plant off-season vegetables through greenhouses. However, in greenhouse vegetable cultivation, the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse are the prevalence of diseases. The main factors, especially the humidity, play a decisive role. Temperature and humidity are not well regulated and will affect the development of the disease. Temperature and humidity measurements are performed using a temperature and humidity monitor.
Planting cucumbers in greenhouses can cause cucumber downy mildew when temperature and humidity are improper. When the temperature in the greenhouse is relatively low, the relative humidity of the air exceeds 90%, and droplets or water films form on the leaves and remain in the environment for more than 3 hours. The occurrence of other diseases is also closely related to temperature and humidity. Therefore, the measurement and regulation of temperature and humidity in the shed is particularly important. The best choice for the measurement of temperature and humidity is the use of a temperature and humidity recorder. It is the late stage of cucumber growth in winter and spring, and it is downy mildew and bacterial keratoses. During the peak period, be sure to request attention and do a good job of ventilation and dehumidification. It is required that the temperature in the morning should be kept at 25-28°C, the humidity should not exceed 70%, the temperature in the afternoon should be kept at 20-25°C, the humidity should be about 65%, and when the temperature falls to 15°C in the evening, close the air outlet and cover the straw curtain. In the middle of the night, the temperature is maintained at 15-18°C, and the temperature is maintained at 11-13°C in the middle of the night and 8-10°C in the morning. When the outdoor temperature rises at night and stabilizes at 12°C or above, ventilation is started overnight.
By using a temperature and humidity monitor to measure and take appropriate measures to control the production of these lesions, when these lesions begin to spread and spread, it is possible to use drugs to kill, but this method is not used properly. At the time of quantity, the phenomenon of pesticide residue is prone to occur, and it is more reasonable to use high-temperature stuffy sheds for antivirus. Controlling the temperature in the shed at 44-45°C for two hours can bring about a certain effect, but the temperature cannot exceed the standard. If the temperature exceeds the limit, the cucumber will be affected, and the use of the temperature and humidity monitor can be well controlled.

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