The salt spray test chamber is an environmental test that uses artificial simulated salt spray environmental conditions created by salt spray test equipment to evaluate the corrosion resistance of products or metal materials. It is divided into two categories, one is the natural environmental exposure test, and the other is the artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment test.
The artificial simulated salt spray environment test uses a test equipment with a certain volume space, the salt spray test chamber, to artificially use the salt spray environment in the volume space to assess the salt spray corrosion resistance quality of the product. . Compared with the natural environment, the salt concentration of the chloride in the salt spray environment can be several times or several times that of the salt spray content of the general natural environment, so that the corrosion rate is greatly improved, and the product is subjected to a salt spray test to obtain a result. The time is also greatly shortened. If a product sample is tested in a natural exposure environment, it may take 1 year to corrode, and in a simulated simulated salt spray environment, as long as 24 hours, similar results can be obtained.

The salt spray test chamber is mainly used for surface treatment of various materials, including coatings, electroplating, inorganic and organic coatings, anodizing treatment, anti-rust oil and other anti-corrosion treatments, and testing the corrosion resistance of the products.
Gaotian design and production of salt spray test box meets GB2423.17-93, GB 12335-90, GB6460-86, GB6458-86, GB/T10125-1997, GB/T1771-91, GB10587-89 and other national standards and other related standards , can carry out various salt spray corrosion tests.
The testing equipment is widely used, and all kinds of industries need to use laboratory testing equipment. The control of automobiles, mobile phones, electronics, optoelectronics, electrical, environmental protection, plastics, rubber, paper products and workpiece quality are inseparable from laboratory testing equipment. There are many types of testing equipment, such as environment, mechanics, optics, paper products, and different products. The required testing equipment is also different. The purchase of testing equipment is also determined according to the testing requirements of the products. Different product standards are required for testing. The equipment is different. For purchase testing equipment, please find Gaotian Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Foshan Yajieyuan Technology Co., Ltd ,