Agricultural Machinery "Twelfth Five-Year" Plan: The Export Trade Volume will reach 12 billion U.S. Dollars

During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, the country attached great importance to the work of “agriculture, countryside and farmers”, and increased support for agriculture through “two reductions and exemptions, three subsidies” and the policy of supporting agriculture, benefiting agriculture, etc. The central government continued to increase the scale and subsidies of subsidies for purchase of agricultural machinery. Scope, and to improve the level of agricultural mechanization as an important measure to promote farmers' income.

The China Investment Advisor’s report pointed out that the agricultural machinery manufacturing industry has benefited from various aspects such as national policy encouragement, capital investment, and fiscal and tax incentives. At the same time, with the further innovation and development of scientific research, production, and development systems, the scale of the industry has continued to expand. Steadily maintain rapid development.

In terms of industrial goals, the "planning" proposes that modern manufacturing technologies should be widely used to promote industrial upgrading. Initially formed an industrial system that integrates research and development, host manufacturing, key parts manufacturing, complete equipment supply, and technical services, and formed five large-scale enterprise groups with annual sales revenue of more than 15 billion yuan and strong international competitiveness. The products provided can basically satisfy the strategy of safeguarding China's grain production safety and the needs of agricultural modernization, and become the world's largest and most powerful country in agricultural equipment manufacturing.

“Improve the adjustment of the industrial structure of the agricultural machinery industry, form a new pattern of development with reasonable layout and high industrial concentration; establish and improve access systems and market exit mechanisms for the agricultural machinery industry; gradually eliminate backward production capacity; accelerate strategic restructuring of enterprises and encourage the development of agricultural machinery enterprises. "Formation of a large-scale enterprise as a leader, supporting SMEs in industrial systems and industrial clusters" has been explicitly written in the "plan."

In terms of innovation capability, the “planning” proposes to establish a coordinated and effective independent innovation platform for the agricultural machinery industry, achieve major breakthroughs in key technologies and common technologies in the fields of large-scale agricultural power and operation equipment, and promote the development of new products; The products and technologies of property rights; the ability of industrial technological innovation has been significantly enhanced, and the new products developed have reached the international advanced level in the same period.

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