China's Jilan Taiyan Lake is an elliptical layered rock salt ore body with an area of ​​37.19km 2 . The salt layer goes straight out of the surface, the surface is nearly horizontal, and the height difference from the center to the edge is only 0.5m. The ore layer is continuous and has not been structurally altered. The salt layer is filled with a large amount of intercrystalline brine, and the water level is 0.1 to 0.2 m below the layer. The surface of the salt layer has a salt cover with a thickness of 0.15 to 0.2 m, which is mainly composed of sodium chloride and contains more muddy sand. The salt layer is 2 to 5 m thick and has an average thickness of 2.76 m. In essence, there are more mud sand, gypsum , mirabilite and double salts below 2m deep. The surface bearing capacity of the salt layer is greater than 0.5 MPa, and the orbital combined salt mining machine is used for mining.
The lake's primary salt mining area is arranged in the middle, south and northwest of the Kaihu District; according to the thickness of the salt layer, it is divided into four mining areas and 32 mining units. The mining area and the mining section are separated by 100m, which is used as a vehicle transportation road, laying pipelines, establishing pumping stations, erecting transmission lines, and digging back the brine ditch. The length of the mining area is about 3000m, and the width of the mining area is equal to the length of the mining unit. It is set at 1100~1300m according to the cable capacity of the cable reel and the effective transportation distance of the vehicle. The width of the mining unit is determined by the length of service and the distance the pipe extends. It is planned that four salt mining machines will be distributed simultaneously in four mining units in two adjacent mining areas (Fig. 1). Every four mining units are available for two years.

Figure 1 Mining area and mining unit division
I, II- mining area; I a-c , II a-c - mining unit; A- mining direction; B-car transportation direction;
1- salt mining machine exit lane; 2-feed (suction) pit; 3- pump house; 4- to dehydration station pipeline
The QY-100-4 combined salt mining machine was used for the mining salt layer. The main technical and economic indicators are listed in Table 1. The salt is selected from the Jiefang 3.5t dump truck. It transports the salt out of the mining area into the slurry tank, feeds it with the jet feed, transports it to the dewatering station through the pressure pipeline, and dewaters it through the vibrating screen. The conveyor is transported to the stacker for stacking. The sieved material is sent to the powder salt recovery tank, and the brine is returned to the slurry pool through the pipeline.
Table 1 Technical performance of QY-100-4 combined salt mining machine
Indicator name | Technical specifications | Indicator name | Technical specifications |
Production capacity (t/h) Maximum mining depth (m) Mining speed (m/h) Cutting salt transmission: Salt cutter diameter (mm) Cutting salt speed (s -1 ) Motor power (kW) Salt slurry pump: Flow rate (m 3 /h) Head (water column) (m) Maximum suction height (water column) (m) Speed ​​(s -1 ) effectiveness(%) Motor power (kW) Cable speed (m/min) Cable specification (CHR) (mm 2 ) Cable layer Cable speed (m/min) Motor power (kW) Walking device: Gauge (mm) Wheel diameter (mm) Motor power (kW) | 100 3 to 5 60, 120 1000 0.50 twenty two 670 11 5.5 7 50~60 55 3×9.5 2 1, 2 1 1435 840 9 | Bucket elevator: Lifting ability (th) inclination) Motor power (kW) Clean water pump: Flow rate (m 3 /s) Head (water column) (m) Hoist: Number of lifting machines Rated pull (kg) Lifting speed (m/min) Motor power (kW) Stripping salt cover device: Bucket diameter (mm) Bucket speed (r/min) Peeling speed (m/h) Peeling ability (t/h) Motor power (kW) Vacuum pump (5ZB-4): Exhaust volume (l/s) Motor power (kW) Water tank volume (m 3 ) Machine weight (t) | 120 45 10 0.54 33.9 2 50 1.5 2.1 2800 10 120 80 2.2 41 1.7 1 70 |
Quad Copter Frame,Carbon Fiber Drone Frame ,Multi Rotor Frame
Quad Copter Frame,Carbon Fiber Drone Frame ,Multi Rotor Frame
shenzhen GC Electronics Co.,Ltd. ,