For a long time. The design of the motor cold welding process is carried out manually by the craftsman. This manual programming process plagues the craftsman. Because of the large number of motor cold weldments. The craftsman has to make accurate expansion length calculations and expansion shapes. Especially for complex parts, it is difficult to accurately calculate the unfolding length. Often due to inaccurate calculations. The waste material is wasted, and even the workpiece is scrapped. Some cold weldments. Process personnel need to analyze its processability and how to make the most of the material.
The computer assists the process design of the cold weldment. Through logic analysis, it accurately calculates its unfolded dimensions and draws the workpiece unfolding shape. Create process procedures. It can avoid the waste of blanking materials. The superior process, the quality of the product, and the improvement of the process level.
It is very difficult to realize the computer aided process design of cold weldment. Because the cold weldment is neither a twisting part nor a non-twisting part with strong regularity. Research and development of computer-aided process design for preliminary attempts to explore 2 motor cold weldment process to create a concept of motor cold weldment, å©, system, using the prototype method and the basic principles of the creation method.
The sample method is based on the group technology, and classifies and codes the similar or slightly similar motor Product Parts, and divides the part family. Combine all the shape features in the part family into the main sample, such as the main sample of the cold weldment windshield in the motor product.
In the actual motor products, various windshields are different. The actual design of the workpiece is related to the following combination conditions. 1 Whether there is a slanted hole 0S, if so, what is the number of holes N, whether it is equal to or not there is no outer edge, whether 3 is equal to zero, that is, whether the 03 cylinder portion exists, 401 is equal to 0 Whether 1 is equal to zero or not, different combination conditions determine different physical design artifacts.
When the cold welding process is created. Simply enter the design size by the main sample to generate the process body. The computer is based on the process body and characteristic process parameters. After the analysis and calculation, the workpiece expansion shape is generated, and the process specification is created.
The creation method is when the part unfolds the part size process parameters. Automatic access to the process knowledge base. Use the logic language of various process decisions to automatically create process specifications.
3 cold weldment process specification to create a cold weldment process specification created by the process of the main body shape generation and management mathematical model bridge workpiece expansion shape process specification decision text data mixed output large module.
The process body generates a process subject by adding a design sample size to a main class or a certain part of the main part of the process due to the generation and management module. It is also responsible for sending the data and process characteristic parameters of the process body to the mathematical model entrance.
The math buccal bridge calculation module is when the mathematical model bridge entrance receives data. Calculate the model by mathematical. Calculate the unfolded geometry of the part and other parameters. And transfer this data to the end of the bridge.
The expansion of the trapezoidal shape generates the buccal block after receiving the data transmitted from the bridge port. The expanded shape of the part is immediately generated. And the transmitted data is marked in the geometric position.
It is also responsible for transferring these parameters to the process decision module. Participate in part process specification decisions. Transfer different parameters, will generate different unfolding parts 1 windshield is welded by the block unfolding piece and its unfolding piece dynamically generates different unfolding pieces with different parameters of passing holes or no holes. 2 is a wall-opening shape, and 3 is a wall-free opening.
Deciding how many pieces of the piece to be welded into the windshield is the best process. The computer judges according to the calculated calculation and process parameter logic, optimizes and determines the appropriate number of blocks to 4. Conclusion The establishment of the motor cold weldment system can complete the shape of the workpiece from the workpiece shape, accurately calculate the geometry of the developed part, and automatically create Process the parts into optimized process specifications and document the output process. From the manual processing of the cold weldment process specification by the craftsman to the computer-aided process design. Not only can the process be optimized to improve the process level, but also the work efficiency of the process personnel can be greatly improved. Free the craftsman from a lot of complicated work.
Edit Tong Xinmin data input sample 1 Kudingyi upper body cabinet entrance mathematical model process decision module sleepy 4 cold weldment process creation, series function box trapped god continuous casting method and equipment it can make continuous casting speed From the current number of meters per minute, to several meters per second. It is a continuous casting process in which a metal conduit is poured into a metal conduit to move to the outlet by the crystallizer 56, cooled to a slab by the crystallizer cooling water, and automatically removed from the slab to the exit of the crystallizer.
The invention has the characteristics of design rationality and complete process, and can be matched with the continuous rolling mill to realize continuous production of continuous casting and rolling, which can greatly improve production efficiency and finished product rate.
The optimal process plan for the trapped 3 wallless expansion device.
The process decision module automatically accesses the process knowledge base when the coded geometry data of the main sample and the process parameters are transmitted, and the process parameters and the group process are dynamically determined by the data processing and the logic decision. For example, the presence or absence of a wall hole in the windshield will result in different process specifications.
The process of unfolding of the parts of the distressed output module and the unfolding of the parts are formed into a standard process, and the process of the cold-welding process is created into a logical function box.
The system runs the expansion component generation module to surprise the module æ‰, æ‰,
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